Re Loved | Foodarmacy™
Full food utilization (proactive waste prevention) is important for EATRIGHT® Foodarmacy™ products. Fruit and fungi which are imperfect in size and shape (“electronic grading" 1.5 or 2 for color but [highest] grade 1 for taste (ref: Women in Export, NZTE, 19Feb25) and unhulled or pulps are used (ie not treated as by-products). We also have no expired product waste, the products are not "made of water", you can eat them straight from the pack and, to refresh the cookie and cracker products, please warm gently in the oven. SHOP > ONLINE
The ingredients have a multitude of resilient services such as “medicines”, “medicinal herbs”, “bee plants” for “honey production”, “essential oils”, “beverage base”, “animal food” (“fodder”, “feed crop”), “fiber" ("for papermaking”, "stuffing", "textiles"), “flavoring”, "tannin/dyestuff", "lipids" ("for soap"), "wood", “soil improvers”, “ornamental”, "folklore" [*] and many more. For example, buckwheat has several pre and post uses, in addition to being an EATRIGHT® food ingredient.
Hence, the total energy used to produce and get our EATRIGHT® products to you is considered (yes, even data usage costs). We use circular economy initiatives such as replanting thousands of silviculture trees (with understory symbionts (fodder, bee hives, fungi etc [**]), shelter-belt and timber uses in addition to bark/needle potential), measuring soil carbon content, regenerative power and mindful water consumption. This nature positive journey means low, and reducing, overall product environment footprints; step change progress not pledges or unconstrained "offsets" [***].
So, if you enjoy the excitement of ‘whole’ not “re-constituted whole flours” [1] or pseudo cereals used in products you thought were extinct such as our much loved EATRIGHT® scratch made ('by real people', never [twin screw] extruded), batch produced, heat sealed [not vacuumed]) Choc-Holics (bestseller) and Ginger (seed & switchel) Cookies, Mineral Rich (nut & seed) Bar [2], Curative Flax & Sesame (non beet or wheat source of 'essential' guanine) and others, you will be thrilled to find food synergy research and createful thrift. So thank you, in anticipation, for your re:love in our food renovation, reinvention, resilience, regenerative journey! SHOP > RE:LOVE
Although it is now fashionable, we have used recycled aftermarket “shipper” boxes [^] with reused/unsold newspapers, for product cushioning, over many years. So, we are super-excited to launch the EATRIGHT® One Pack Only for One Kg [“rather than a multi-waste box, bag and tray option” and NO added caps/lids, carrier/courier packs, wrapping/packing/strapping tapes] new season slowdried Organic Apple rings. For larger orders, we were ‘ahead of trends’ with recycled cardboard pallet ability, a lighter ‘pallet cube’, more ‘Cs per pallet’, ‘bug free’, a kindly, cost lessened initiative. We have also used modular systems such as {chamfered} 'parts box' structural shipping sleeves which double as free EATRIGHT® labeled display trays for smaller packs, assorted and multi pack products (case codes (ER13)0984) [^^] (ER13)0977 [†]). Other packaging, ‘designed (and printed) in NZ’, has included initiatives such as waste by-product potato starch (covered) food trays and 'in 2007' we introduced (to a customer) the bespoke 100% recycled 'fiber packaging' printed using vegetable oil pigments [incl. flavus "yellow"] [††].
The current packaging is not retort for 'pasteurized' purposes, does NOT include a 'plate, cup, tray or food container (that) is uncovered' and “stack (‘em high, make ‘em fly) ability” is no longer needed. Instead, the packs have short term resistance to the elements (ie rain, sand and snow proof), resealable, reuseable, self-flattening, lightweight and durable. Once they are in a compostable environment (a mix of micro-organisms, moisture, heat and oxygen) they breakdown since they are made from plants not plastic and are PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalykyl) free. Or, in other words, they offer form and function: food safe tamper-proof sealing, easy-tear opening with stand-up zipper functionality and straight from the pack consume-ability.
There are many other things we do in our mindfully made EATRIGHT® products. They are not ‘single use’, a createful outlet such as inventive and experimental recipes, meal compliments, meal 'support' or reuse/rework for seemingly broken “seconds”. Try ideas such as apple-kiwi fruit cobbler or crumble, crackers as lasagne layers, crushed crackers as toppings for salads, breadcrumb substitute or crust/bases for frittatas, sweet savoury breakfast biscuits, icecream sweet or savoury double deck sandwiches, fruited oatmeal, nosebag snack mixes, s’mores, meringue or pound cake decorations, donut cookies and hundreds more.
And although the EATRIGHT (trademark) products are nutritious beyond the “food fashion” [****] confluence, they have featured in EcoFest’s wearable, artful food! The “cute” EATRIGHT® earrings from upcycled labels and potato packaging, have been gifted to the delight of many and featured in numerous pop-up presence “eat-tainments” (BioFach, Fancy Foods, Natural Products ExpoWest, Fine Foods etc) , other "detailing" samples at "edu-tainments" (WorldFest [†††], "Aspire" conference 2007, Get2Go (Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre), sports sponsorship etc) and, low or no cost, "ad-tainments" (TV news, publishing 'and other media % manufacturing') [*****] [††††].
Other (non edible) services include gift packing, gift wrapping, food vouchers and personalized cards (with or without an envelope) for every occasion, enabling you to send thoughtful mementos to loved ones around the globe SHOP > SERVICES. Mastercard and Visa gift vouchers also accepted. Of course we would always like to do more, so please let us know if you have any sustainable food improvement ideas. Suggestions have been gratefully received and enacted from the Sustainable Business Network “Product Stewardship Project” and the Go Circular 2025 initiatives.
- Better congruity EATRIGHT® cookies, cereals, cakes and crackers. Natural, NOT over-processed removal then recapture reconstituted fortifiers or isolates. Sources of essential vitamins (A, B1, B3), essential minerals (Iron, Mg, Zn & K), essential bioactive (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, valine), beneficial dietary fiber and useful vitamins (B8 (inositol), K2, P & U)
- Inherently distinctive, 'great tasting' nutrition; not ‘mulligan’ (against the rules, allows opponent to take again) (ref" Encarta Dictionary) or mulligatawny (n. ‘= pepper·water’)) (ref: Oxford Dictionary)
- Water-lessened, life enhanced wild harvested uncommon mushroom mix, organic gold or green kiwi fruit, multi varietal apples. Always grown outdoors, in New Zealand's ‘more sun, less pollution, less pests and diseases’ habitat
- Re discover the EATRIGHT® Better Shipper Initiatives: One Pack Only for One Kg (“rather than a multi-waste box, bag”, lidded container or added shipper/courier pack). Fresh, in stock, one kg [2.2Lbs] EATRIGHT® Bruise-less Apple Rings (organic, sof-dried, no wax, unique varieties)
- All the online shopping has FRET free flexibility. Every product page has its key nutrition detail in ONE place. NO separate ingredient, nutrition, attribute, shelf life, pack types, sizes, prices, photo pages or steps. Less flash, more function, no account needed, no fees added
- Product: Ingredient: 942100113.... | No nasties | Not mass produced | Mild processed | Bio-Econ §s | Certified organics | Non GMO | NZStory# | GRIN Nomen | RDIs | PVRs | NZFSA SD9 | EFSA IDs | Bio-activities | Polyphenol RFs | Enzyme ECs | Phytochem IDs
- And no $NZ direct or indirect online FOODARMACY™ price rises. (Default currency: NZ dollars (tax inclusive); multiple currencies available)
- Scrumptious EATRIGHT® Pre-Scribed Super-Seed (Salutary Cereal): an incremental yet curative functional food with partially sprouted seeds and bitter botanicals. Contributes to normal: fertility, testosterone in the blood and reproduction, psychological, neurological, nervous, cardiac and immune system functions, metabolism of macronutrient and fatty acids, electrolyte balance, connective tissue structure, reduces fatigue [3] without synthetic supplemental's
ONLINE SHOP Secure payment, 1-2 day delivery (NZ), no minimums, FREE shipping on orders over $49, satisfaction guarantee
[^] Recycled, aftermarket, 'SHOE box' size up to 2.5kg has been included in our EATRIGHT® Terms and Shipping since get go. See also: “Don’t confuse hard work with the right work” Tim BROWN co-founder Allbirds sustainable SHOE company. ‘Business Extra’ by Brianna McIlraith, The Press (pub. 6th May ’23)
[^^] B2B order form, an EATRIGHT® (ER13) identification number only, so no GTIN, UPC, EAN (or gift pack inclusive ISBNs eg 978-1-86966-241-7)
[^^^] Understanding the LOHAS Consumer by NMI (6th ed. pub. Mar’08, p132 etc), not to be confused with intended "sensory level ... test panel" at NMIT https://www.nmit.ac.nz/
[†] Mixed case, one pack cookies: Chocholics, Rice & Spice, FreeBee and Ginger (with eyelets).
N.B. (note well) non corrected 'I' in “sodum aluminum phosphate…unacceptable food ingredients” presented Apr’07, again Sep’07, and dkt 26-1 Apr’14 (‘greenfek' author). Yet, according to urbandictionary.com, 'sodum' is a faster/easier/more efficient way to say 'so dum'. Compare ‘cleaning…ingredients’ (Mar’11 'misdescribes') but "if turned left" eco- if right then -SCALE ('n. overlapping plates protecting the skin of fishes (salmon's silver skin)…husk, pod, scab, &c (ss. fall from one's eyes, one's eyes are open to something)...of skin, metal (cans), n. pan of weighing-balance…, n. series of degrees'. Pocket Oxford 4th ed.), DETERgent, enzymes, (boxtick) no phosphates (spec.’19).
"pachydermatous, a. thick-skinned of the pachydermata ['white elephant...has, or will, become a huge burden' by A. JACK], (fig.) lacking in sensitivity". Piper excelsum (piperaceae) kawakawa. Uses: New Zealand: "Ache(Stomach), Ache(Tooth), Aphrodisiac, Bladder, Boil, Depurative, Diuretic, *ECZEMA*, kidney, Sialogogue, Skin, Steam-Bath, Urogenital, Wound". Ref: Uphof, J.C. Th. 1968. Dictionary of economic plants. 2nd ed. Verlag von J. Cramer
Rare diseases include pachydermoperiostosis, can be "mistaken for osteoarthropathy (any condition affecting bones and joints), psoriatic arthritis (arthritis in combination with psoriasis - red and white patches on the skin), rheumatoid arthritis (condition that can cause joint damage) and thyroid acropachy (thickening and swelling of the hands and feet)" (rarediseases.org)
[††] Endex (New Zealand Food Technology) Industry News (pub. Sep’07) http://www.endex.co.nz/article.php?id=745 [kraft] fiber packaging with “utensil” ownership (“plates (IML)” in-mould label plates, “CTP” computer-to-plate “plates”, content in tem-'plates')
[†††] "VIP" EATRIGHT Products at WorldFest by Eat Right Foods Ltd (pub. May’11) https://www.infonews.co.nz/news.cfm?id=68216
[††††] Distribution into stores of promotional “booklet” [with inside cover acknowledgement/gratitude to EATRIGHT®]. A prelude to [the book] “Congratulations! It’s Asperger Syndrome” by Jen Birch https://www.aspergers.co.nz/ (pub. 2003)
[*] USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. 2022. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN Taxonomy). National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland, USA. The "usage references", for some of the Eat Right Foods Ltd ingredients (or products), are after Aug'2009 so do not appear to account for "new industries" such as "medical nutrition"
[**] Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World by Paul Stamets (pub. 2005) Book review by Solomon Wasser (pub. 2007) https://www.herbalgram.org/resources/herbalgram/issues/76/table-of-contents/article3183/, fungi as multi source biological decomposition assistants eg of crane flies https://inaturalist.nz/taxa/60393-Tipula (Tipula cheethami “boreo-montane species first recorded…by Chris Cheetham in 1926”).
[***] Organic farming should be recognised as ‘carbon farming’ – IFOAM by Stella Meehan (pub. Apr’22) https://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/organic-farming-should-be-recognised-as-carbon-farming-ifoam/. In 2020 (synthetic refrigerant (F-gas) leakages) declared a ‘priority product’ by the New Zealand Government. “A key to tackling climate change lies deep in the refrigerator” by Natalie Martin (pub. Feb'23) https://www.foodtechnology.co.nz/content/a-key-to-tackling-climate-change-lies-deep-in-the-refigerator/. See also zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) R-134a or R-407c, meeting F-gas regulation, alternative solutions.
[****] “Confection, n. Compounding, manufacture, (rare); prepared delicacy of sweet stuff; ready-made article of female attire” Oxford Dictionary (4th ed.1942, corrections 1952)
[*****] New Zealand Rankings, Global Innovation Index, 2021, "Creative Outputs" such as 7.2.4 https://www.wipo.int/global_innovation_index/en/2021/ (rank 1 shared by islands: Hong Kong and Malta) (SIC 18 but increasingly 58 'publishing...on the internet'). Ad’vert (“v.i. Refer in speech or writing. Ad’vertise (-z), v.t. & i. (stable). Give public notice of, esp. announce for sale in newspapers, by placards… Vert. n. & a. (herald). Green. (verdant))" heraldic tincture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tincture_(heraldry))
other examples include: Healthy Options Ltd monthly feedback giftpack winners July’07 issue “Healthy Shopping (food labels)” https://rauropiwhakaoranga.landCAREresearch.co.nz/references/e3b28b27-b0f7-4d18-8eda-5a15e1f7eb13, 'pictorial work' p8 of “The Outside Table” (Bishop Suter Art Gallery and 'theatre', pub. 2005) ISBN 0-9582396-9-X https://www.worldcat.org/title/outside-table-food-and-flavours-of-the-nelson-region/oclc/166309029, sponsorship of https://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news/631997/Conferences-focus-wellness-tourism etc etc.
[1] Technology New Zealand ‘TechNet’ project scope “food components…glycaemic responses …eg food particle size” (by Dr Chris Downs). More recent: “Effect of grain particle size of wholegrain foods on the postprandial glycaemic response”. Thesis Submission by Evelyn Mere Mete (pub. Dec’20)
[2] Ingredients include: wholegrain New Zealand grown Quinoa (“considered to be an optimal food source for astronauts. Exceptional nutritional source of a wide spectrum of minerals (e.g. Ca, Fe, Mg, P, and Zn), vitamins (e.g. A, B1, B2, B9, C, and E), dietary fiber, linolenate, natural antioxidants (e.g. polyphenols), and high-quality protein, containing high levels of essential amino acids, particularly methionine and lysine” Draft genome sequence of an inbred line of Chenopodium quinoa, an allotetraploid crop with great environmental adaptability an outstanding nutritional properties by Yasui, Y. et al. (pub. 2016). DNA Res. 23:535-546. DOI: 10.1093/dnares/dsw037).
[3] Selected FSANZ general level health claims (schedule 4) https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/code/Documents/Sched%204%20Nutrition%20and%20health%20claims%20v159.pdf; Possible EU approved health claims included in FSANZ Standard 1.2.7 https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/code/proposals/Documents/P293_SD9.pdf
[^] or caret, is used to insert additional meaning; [†] or obelisk, is used to reference material no longer easy to retrieve; [#] or number, is used to reference nutrition label relevant information, [*] or asterisk, is used to reference additional material (eg scientific or erudite research)